GrantStation Insider: September 1, 2022

Volume XXI | Issue 35

Special Opportunities | National | Regional | Federal | PathFinder | Online Education | Announcements | Subscribe


Special Funding Opportunities
Opportunities related to specific current issues

Current funding opportunities for COVID-19 and Ukraine are available to the public on our website.


National Funding
Opportunities throughout the U.S.

Funds Boost the Capacity of Organizations Addressing the Opioid Crisis
Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts

The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) seeks to address the nation's opioid crisis. FORE's Community-Driven Responses to Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Mortality request for proposals aims to help community-based organizations throughout the U.S. enhance their ability to deliver services addressing the opioid crisis, particularly in communities where people are at the greatest risk of developing opioid use disorder and dying from overdoses. Funding will be provided for projects that support community-based organizations' capacity to reduce opioid use disorder and overdose mortality. Requests may relate to one of the following activities, or may propose other activities: conducting organizational assessments, enhancing operational effectiveness, strengthening communication efforts, expanding and stabilizing resources to develop financial stability, strengthening and evaluating programming, or fostering collaborations with a broader range of allies. This funding opportunity is limited to community-based organizations, including organizations providing a range of social- or health-related services within a given geographic area, Recovery Community Organizations, and community coalitions and partnerships. Grants of up to $75,000 per year for up to two years will be provided. The application deadline is October 21, 2022. Visit the FORE website for application guidelines.

Social and Economic Justice Efforts Supported
Unitarian Universalist Association: Fund for a Just Society

The Fund for a Just Society, a program of the Unitarian Universalist Association, provides grants to nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada that address issues of social and economic justice. The Fund supports organizations that meet all three of the following criteria: 1) use community organizing to bring about systemic change leading to a more just society; 2) mobilize those who have been disenfranchised and excluded from resources, power, and the right to self-determination; and 3) have an active focused campaign to create systemic change. The Fund welcomes projects that are less likely to receive conventional funding because of the innovative or challenging nature of the work or the economic and social status of the constituency. The maximum grant is $15,000, though most grants range between $6,000 and $8,000. The upcoming application deadline is October 15, 2022. Visit the Unitarian Universalist Funding Program website for more information.

Grants Aid American Indian Homeland Projects
Indian Land Tenure Foundation

The Indian Land Tenure Foundation is a national, community-based organization serving American Indian nations and people in the recovery and control of their rightful homelands. The Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, state and local government agencies, and educational institutions for activities that support the recovery and control of Indian homelands in the following strategic program areas: education, cultural awareness, economic opportunity, and legal reform. Letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. Visit the Foundation's website to learn more about the funding guidelines for each program area.

Funds Available for Adult Literacy Programs
Wish You Well Foundation

The primary purpose of the Wish You Well Foundation is to support nonprofit organizations in the United States that teach adults the literacy skills they need to communicate, grow, and thrive within their communities. The Foundation's focus is on the development and expansion of new and existing adult literacy and educational programs. Grants generally range from $200 to $10,000. Requests may be submitted at any time and are reviewed by the Foundation's board on a rolling basis. Visit the Foundation's website to review a list of funded organizations and to download the Donation Request Form.


Regional Funding
Opportunities for specific geographic areas

Support Addresses Basic Needs in Specific Geographic Areas
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, one of the largest private charitable foundations in the United States, is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty. In 2022, the Foundation expects to provide approximately $150 million in total grant activity supporting nonprofits that provide direct services in the areas of housing, health, jobs, education, and community services. Grants support organizations that serve a range of populations, including older adults, women at risk and their children, people with disabilities, and veterans, as well as the Jewish community. The Foundation administers the majority of its funding in its priority communities: Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; Hawai'i; Israel; New York City, NY; Northeastern Pennsylvania; and San Francisco, CA. This includes supporting nonprofits serving federally designated rural areas within, or adjacent to, these priority communities. All of these locations represent personal ties to the life and legacy of Harry Weinberg, as well as communities where Weinberg Foundation trustees reside and provide leadership. The Foundation has an online application process for all capital, program, and operating grant requests. To learn more about how to apply, including eligibility, click here.

Economic Development Projects Funded in North Carolina
Golden LEAF Foundation: Open Grants Program

The Golden LEAF Foundation's mission is to increase economic opportunity in North Carolina's rural, tobacco-dependent, and economically distressed communities. The Open Grants Program provides support to government entities and nonprofit organizations for economic development projects aligned with the priority areas of job creation and economic investment, agriculture, and workforce preparedness. Competitive applications include requests for funds to develop and implement a new workforce training program to meet demand from local employers; implement a career pathway at a high school for a high demand field; extend water, sewer, or road infrastructure to a site to enable industrial development that will create full-time jobs; and support the development of new crops, expand markets for agriculture products, or provide training for farmers. Most grants range up to $200,000, though awards of up to $500,000 may be considered for projects that possess additional characteristics. All potential applicants are encouraged to take the Funding 101 Quiz and contact Golden LEAF staff prior to submitting a Stage 1 Application. Stage 1 applications may be submitted throughout the year through the Golden LEAF website.

Small Grants Benefit Company Communities
Baltimore Life Companies Community Grants Program

Baltimore Life Companies Community Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations in communities where Baltimore Life has offices, including Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Washington, DC. Grants of $500 are provided for projects and programs addressing family, safety, and community enhancement issues in the communities served by Baltimore Life local offices. Examples of eligible programs include child safety education, community clean-up campaigns, neighborhood watch activities, etc. Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible to apply, as well as libraries, senior centers, homeless shelters, or other organizations under the direction of governmental agencies. The application deadline is October 14, 2022. Visit the Baltimore Life website to download the guidelines and application form, or to access the online application.

Alaskan Conservation Organizations Supported
Alaska Conservation Foundation: Discovery Grants

The Alaska Conservation Foundation's Discovery Grants program supports Alaska-based grassroots organizations in order to foster a more effective and sustainable conservation movement in Alaska. Grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 support opportunities that strengthen the movement's leadership base, encourage collaboration, and help leaders and organizations navigate changing political and economic climates. Supported activities may include training for staff and board, meeting facilitation, legal assistance, travel, conference fees, outreach and advocacy, and strategic program expansion. Nonprofit organizations in Alaska, or with an Alaska-based program, and federally-recognized tribes are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to organizations with annual operating budgets under $200,000. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed every two months. Visit the Foundation's website to download the Discovery Grant Program Guidelines.


Federal Funding
Opportunities from the U.S. government

Program Addresses Homelessness
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Continuum of Care Competition promotes a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The program seeks to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by those experiencing homelessness; and optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness. HUD is also offering a noncompetitive program: Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Renewal and Replacement Grants. The application deadline is September 30, 2022.

Funds Available to Reduce Risks of Wildfires
Forest Service

The Community Wildfire Defense Grant is intended to help at-risk local communities and tribes plan for and reduce the risk against wildfire. Goals include restoring and maintaining landscapes, creating fire-adapted communities, and improving wildfire response. Supported project types include the development and revision of community wildfire protection plans, and the implementation of projects described in community wildfire protection plans that are less than ten years old. The application deadline is October 7, 2022.


PathFinder: Featured Resource
A library of quality resources designed to help you develop your career path as a grants professional

Be Ready: Recession Strategies for Nonprofits
Are you concerned about the impending economic downturn and its potential impact on your nonprofit organization? If so, you may want to read "Be Ready: Recession Strategies for Nonprofits." Written by Steve Longley and published on the Capacity Partners website, this article provides four concrete strategies to help nonprofit leaders prepare for a recession.


Upcoming Online Education Trainings
Live Webinars

Unless otherwise noted, all Online Education Trainings are webinars,
are 90 minutes in duration, and are scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern Time.

FREE: The Quick-Start Guide to the One-Page Grant Proposal (NEW)

Have a good idea you'd love to turn into a great grant proposal, but not sure how? Join veteran grants pro and grantmaker Maryn Boess as she shares the ten simple, powerful "Magic Wand'' questions at the heart of every single grant proposal. These questions will transform your good ideas into clear, compelling, and fundable project plans—and jump-start your grants success. You'll be introduced to the simple but incredibly powerful one-page Magic Wand template that's won grants of $2,000, $30,000, $144,000, and much more for nonprofits like yours. You'll learn the seven questions that bring clarity, depth, and power to your own best thinking about a successful project or funding need; how the right questions can give you "x-ray vision" into the minds of grantmakers, so you can deliver exactly what they really want every time; the one question that helps you quickly zero in on those grantmakers most likely to say an enthusiastic "YES!" to your request for funding; and six surprising, powerful ways nonprofits have discovered (and you can borrow!) to put this Magic Wand to work for the causes they serve. The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

The Power of 3: Image is Everything
Nonprofits often believe that strong programs will naturally equate to support and funding. The reality is that people give to organizations they THINK are making a difference. If your nonprofit wants to compete for funds, people, and donations, image is everything. In this Power of 3 series, Mindy Muller will help ensure your organization's forward face matches the value you provide behind the scenes. She will help you take control of your nonprofit's image and walk you through the essential aspects of image management. The first webinar, Image Management: Telling Your Story, will help you find and tell those compelling stories within your organization that need to be shared. The second webinar, Building a Nonprofit Brand, will demonstrate how branding is much more than logo and look. It is the total of perceptions about what a nonprofit stands for, what it does, and how much social impact it is thought to achieve. The final webinar, Working With the Media, will help you build confidence when interacting with the media. Mindy will offer tips you can utilize whether you’re approaching the media, handling inquiries, or managing an unfortunate crisis. The webinars will take place on September 13, October 4, and October 25. You may register for all three or take them separately.

The Power of 3: Strategic Planning for Long-Term Success
A well-crafted strategic plan is a cornerstone of your nonprofit organization's long-term success. Without knowing where you're headed, how do you know where to focus today? In this Power of 3 series, Marie Palacios, Lead Consultant at Funding for Good, will help ensure your strategic plan avoids this fate and instead drives your organization's growth. She will walk you through essential aspects of strategic planning that can help your organization turn goals into actions. The first webinar, Build Capacity Through Strategic Planning, will break down the top ways a strategic plan contributes to fundraising success. You'll learn why a well-crafted plan is the greatest tool in an organization's fundraising toolkit. The second webinar, Strategic Planning: The Beginning, will share different approaches to the strategic planning process and will give you professional tips on what works and what does not. You will walk away with an arsenal of strategies to generate buy-in from your board, staff, and stakeholders on the strategic planning process. The final webinar, Strategic Planning: The Final Document, will highlight the essential components of your final written strategic plan. Marie will share strategies to ensure that your end product is clear, concise, and compelling. You will walk away with actionable tips on how to craft a plan that captures the shared vision of your collective group. The webinars will take place on September 15, September 29, and October 13, 2022.


GrantStation Announcements
The latest updates from GrantStation

Introducing GrantStation's New TargetED Online Education Featuring GS President Alice Ruhnke
Targeted, interactive, and affordable learning opportunities to help nonprofits grow

Practical Solutions: You'll walk away with pragmatic steps you can put to use in the field right away.

Fast-Paced and Time-Efficient: TargetEDs are 45-minute sessions: 30 minutes of subject deep-dive and 15 minutes of Q&A.

Affordable: Each session is $39 per person or $99 for groups. And until November 6th, when you buy two TargetED sessions, you get one free!

Upcoming Sessions:

GPA 2022 Grant Professionals Compensation & Benefits Survey
The Grant Professionals Association (GPA) is conducting its annual compensation and benefits survey among members and non-members, and we hope that you can participate.

This is our 16th annual survey of grant professionals and 11th of consultants, so it is probably very well-known to you. Last year, making the survey shorter and easier to complete, and providing a report with more segmented results and trend analysis led to more than 2,500 professionals participating. We hope you can participate this year. To begin your confidential survey, please click GPA 2022 Grant Professionals Compensation & Benefits Survey.

We will once again share results only with those who submit a completed survey, so please complete all questions no later than our deadline of Friday, September 9. Thank you for helping us help you.

Mike Chamberlain, MBA, CAE
Chief Executive Officer
Grant Professionals Association

Funding Alerts

Don't forget to check out the additional Funding Alerts on our homepage—you don't want to miss them!


Information contained in the GrantStation Insider may not be
posted, reprinted, redistributed, or sold without permission.

Editor: Ashlyn Simmons
Copy Editor: Diana Holder
Contributing Writer: Kevin Peters

National Funding Opportunities

Funds Boost the Capacity of Organizations Addressing the Opioid Crisis

Social and Economic Justice Efforts Supported

Grants Aid American Indian Homeland Projects

Funds Available for Adult Literacy Programs

Regional Funding Opportunities

Support Addresses Basic Needs in Specific Geographic Areas

Economic Development Projects Funded in North Carolina

Small Grants Benefit Company Communities

Alaskan Conservation Organizations Supported

Federal Funding Opportunities

Program Addresses Homelessness

Funds Available to Reduce Risks of Wildfires