Philanthropic Overview
Assistance League philanthropic programs continue to grow and thrive because chapters identify local problems and deliver the right solutions. They conduct community needs assessments and develop programs to meet the needs they uncover. A century-long track record of well-funded and well-staffed programs makes Assistance League chapters vital contributors to their communities across the nation.
Assistance League volunteers transforming the lives of children through community programs.
Essential needs are met in our community and families flourish.
23,000 Members and Growing
Our 23,000 member volunteers are what make our organization so remarkable. Each one is incredibly generous and imaginative. Each one is highly motivated to effect change in their communities because they have a personal stake in the outcome. And each one has the spirit to get the job done, whatever it is and whatever it takes.
Why Are We Unique?
Each Assistance League chapter exists to serve the unique needs and challenges of their community. Funds serve local needs, and services are locally designed, organized and carried out to fit these needs. The national organization supports, trains and monitors chapters to assure they function to the best standards of nonprofit governance. We are 120 chapters united in purpose and dedicated to making local lives better.