Grants 4 Animals

Grants 4 Animals

The mission of Grants 4 Animals is to help as many animals as possible by supporting nonprofits working in the animal welfare space. In order to accomplish this mission, Grants 4 Animals provides resources, tools, courses, consulting, and full-service grantwriting specifically tailored to the needs of animal-related nonprofits.

Here are some of the resources that Grants 4 Animals offers:

  • Free newsletter and social media content focused on tools and resources for animal-related nonprofit organizations.
  • Flagship course: Train Your Own Grant Writer. This comprehensive course takes animal-related nonprofits through the entire process, from becoming grant-ready to researching grants, grant applications, and grant reporting.
  • Full-Service Monthly Grantwriting for a select number of clients.
  • On-demand consulting for animal-related nonprofits.
