Our Mission
The Wyoming Nonprofit Network represents the collective voice of the Wyoming charitable nonprofit sector and brings best practices, resources and support to the nonprofit community.
We advocate for Wyoming’s nonprofit sector. As a collective voice, we communicate with our elected officials about important policy issues and the sector’s vital role in our communities. We are committed to monitoring and acting on policy changes at the national and state levels that impact the work of nonprofits.
We strengthen the nonprofit community through professional development. Our training opportunities include everything from webinars and regional in-person workshops, to the statewide biennial Wyoming Nonprofit Symposium.
We connect nonprofit leaders for networking and collaboration. Local and statewide meetings allow nonprofits with diverse missions to come together for learning, networking and collaboration.
We serve as a trusted referral and information resource. We produce the Wyoming Nonprofit Salary and Benefit Survey, the Guide to Starting a Nonprofit in Wyoming, and other publications and resources to help nonprofits fulfill their missions.